The Shakespeare Canon Club App is an easy way to keep track of which Shakespeare plays you have seen or been a part of in a theatre company.
The different clubs available are Patron, Actor, Director, Designer, or Crew.
User entered information can be shared with other Apple mobile devices by using iCloud.
Screen Shots
How to transfer the data file (canonclub.sqlite) from the app to a Mac:
- Open iTunes and plug the mobile device into the Mac.
- Click on the mobile device under the DEVICES section in iTunes.
- Click on the Apps tab at the top of the page and scroll to the File Sharing section at the bottom of the page.
- Click on the Canon Club app, then the canonclub.sqlite file in the Canon Club Documents section.
- Finally, click on the Save to... button, select a directory on the Mac, then click the Save To button.
How to transfer the data file (canonclub.sqlite) from a Mac to the app:
- Drag the canonclub.sqllite file from Finder on the Mac to the Canon Club Documents section in iTunes.
- Click the Replace button.
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